Why I Want to Teach

Guillaume Appollinaire, a poet, wrote:
“'Come to the edge', he said
They said, 'We are afraid'
'Come to the edge', he said.
They came.
He pushed them... and they flew.”

I want to see my students fly, because I was given wings. My ninth grade Advanced English teacher, Mr. Kelly taught more than grammar, he taught his students to appreciate literature, to read for more than surface detail. He taught us more than spelling, more than how to formulate interesting sentences, he taught us to live in the books we read and to look at life through the eyes of each author. His class was very difficult, and for a student who was accustomed to the easy A, a B- after six revisions was disappointing. Yet if Mr. Kelly would not have echoed that great poet in, “Come to the edge,” and if he did not push me off that very edge, I would not have flown. Students need a loving push and I want to be there to help them grow wings. I want to influence the world one child at a time. I want to be a positive role model and someone who truly cares. I want to encourage my student toward their very best. I want to see them succeed, because I know they can.

I know that my strongest personality trait is having an encouraging and uplifting spirit. Mark Twain said, “I was born excited.” I could say the same of myself. Each day is a beautiful opportunity to accomplish something wonderful and the most wonderful thing one can do it to uplift someone else. The second trait that I’m blessed with was handed down to me by my father: I am a very hard worker and very motivated to do my best in each task I am given. I grew up seeing my father give his all to each task and reaping huge rewards. He is seen in my community by all as a caring, effective teacher, who would always go one more mile with his student. And I know that I am viewed in a similar manner. My coworkers, principals, and friends know that they can count on me, they know that when I say something will be done, it will be, and done well. My third personal trait that leads to my success as a teacher is my creativity. I enjoy bringing something new to each project I approach. I am so excited to teach Spanish and to have the ability to bring in some of my creative ideas to each student with whom I work. Each student is unique and therefore I bring various learning options into my classroom. Hands-on activities, oral activities, and visual activities are incorporated daily into my class to ensure each student has an opportunity to be successful.