
New idea: conjugating verbs

I love using the ipods to get on conjuguemos.com for the students to practice with verbs, but I've also found some other unique and fun ways to practice:

1.  movable verbs:  cut off ending (ar/er/ir) and match to movable pieces of paper with for example o,as,a, amos, áis, or an.

2.  Let's Conjugate Some Verbs, song by Magia Escolar.

3.  Conjugations Back, song by Sr. Mara spanish

4.  Conjugation dice (dice with pronouns and verb, roll them, and conjugate)

5.  New:  Plastic Easter Eggs, have the stem on one side and twist to form the correct verb (see pictures)

These are just a few ideas, but I've found they work so well for my students!