This summer I am taking another graduate class toward my elementary certification. My class, taught at Grand Valley by Liz Storey (a fantastic teacher by the way) is called "Children's Literature." My first thought is: how can I incorporate what I'm learning in this class to help my students to be more well-rounded and effective readers? Part of my duty as a "specials" teacher is to bring in materials that help gen-ed teachers move students along. My second duty, which is self-given, is to be an ambassador of culture to my students.
So, I am beginning my project on literature that promotes both culture and diversity (focused on Latinos/Spanish Speakers). I have 34 books to read and am about half way there, here is my TBR list for this week. So far I've read "Rules" which is a book I feel that EVERY child should read (3-8th) grade, to understand what students with a disability might be feeling.