
Final Exam Results and Continued work with ipods

The ease of using an ipod vs having the students record and send a movie was drastic.  For the Spanish I final exam, students answered 14 questions in Spanish and then voice recorded their answers on the ipods and I could download them onto my computer.  This saved valued class time as well as freed me from my computer to grade the voice recordings.  I simply downloaded them onto one of the 30 ipods as "songs" and listened to them in the evening at home.  It is also really neat because I save these files on my computer and I can look back and listen to the improvement from Spanish I to Spanish II (and next year to Spanish III!)

I've been working at creating a fun and meaningful "I'm finished, what do I do now," activity with Careers.  I stumbled upon an app that is a game using wikipedia.  You have to get from one term to another with the least amount of clicks possible.  We'll see, but I think this might be a good activity for students to learn random facts, work on finding key answers, improve study skills, all in place of that time in-between some finishing and some still working.

Next week were are also working on podcasts for Careers.  With the students who really shine in this activity, I'm thinking I can even download these podcasts and have next trimester's class watch them and gain ideas and learn more about various Careers.